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Friday, January 11, 2008


Good Faith Estimate Book Update

It's been a while since I updated and thought I would let everyone know about my progress with the book. I'd also like to ask for your help with regards to e-book publishing and marketing.

I am attempting at my first attempt to attempt to write a book. As you can see, I'm trying very hard. It's been a long process, but not because of the painstaking effort and research that I've been doing. Mainly I just haven't been consistantly writing. I've gotten quite busy with my mortgage business, especially after the Holidays. The weather hasn't gotten bitter cold yet so it's enticed buyers out into the Real Estate market.

I've been writing in spurts up to this point. I have no idea how much material I really have because I've just been spilling my brain out into an old-fashioned Notepad file. If I can get time to jump back into it, it wouldn't take me long to finish.

When I do reach that finish line, I will be in uncharted territory for myself. The daunting task of publishing and marketing still lies ahead. I have plenty of ideas, but I don't have the technical saavy to make a lot of them happen. If anybody would be kind enough to volunteer to help me in my crusade to educate the mortgage consumer, I'd certainly be grateful for your help.

I may look at the option of hiring someone if they are competent and agree to be paid from the proceeds of their marketing efforts. I'm a firm believer of putting your money where your mouth is and of standing behind your product.

After I have written the last word, here is what I would need help doing:

  • Decide whether to publish as a book or e-book
  • Make it look all pretty as a pdf file (clipart, proper spacing, all that makes it pleasing to read)
  • Design and write a marketing page (squeeze page)
  • Set up a way for people to buy online including a new website for this purpose
  • Marketing to consumers. Establish joint ventures and affiliate program.
  • Anything else that would help make this a best-seller

I apologize for the self-serving post, but I believe the end result will serve you tremendously. I am breaking the entire Good Faith Estimate down in layman's terms and explaining exactly where your money goes. I go past the numbers and explain exactly what service you should be receiving from all parties in the process and how much you should be paying for them. I'm going to include a sample Good Faith Estimate template with all costs. Real good stuff if you ask me.

Please, please, please contact me and let me know what you would like to see included in the book. I'd like your help so that I can get it right the first time.

If you'd like to help me turn this into a reality, email my direct address:

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